The Company

BCAI was incorporated on 4th January 2007 as a wholly owned subsidiary of BCA. Its principal activities are to provide built environment related consultancy, advisory, training and/or implementation services in the areas of BCA’s expertise and Singapore built environment best practices to public sector agencies and private firms in foreign countries.

BCAI promotes and connects Singapore built environment enterprises globally. It provides a platform to partner Singapore firms in support of their internationalisation efforts.

Our Vision

To be the leading and preferred partner in Singapore and the region in supporting overseas built environment stakeholders in their developmental goals and Singapore firms in their international growth.

Our Mission

BCAI aims to showcase Singapore’s built environment capabilities to the world, and be a reliable partner in supporting key overseas stakeholders’ developmental goals with Singapore’s best practices and niche built environment solutions. BCAI enhances international collaborations by:

  1. Strengthening Singapore firms’ branding and competitive edge.
    • Enhance our firms’ marketability through BCA Green Mark certification in support of overseas developers’ net zero ambitions.
    • Generate greater mindshare of Singapore’s capabilities and entry points for future businesses via customised training to overseas stakeholders.
  2. Fostering strategic partnerships with regional stakeholders to open doors in support of Singapore firms’ overseas growth.
    • Connect relevant Singapore firms and solutions to overseas requests.
    • Work with key overseas stakeholders to forge collaborations in Singapore niche areas (such as green buildings, quality and modular construction technologies).
    • Form win-win alliances with partners. Sign MOUs with key partners to form strategic partnerships.
    • Facilitate cross border trading through regional ASEAN platforms.
  3. Creating an effective marketplace to generate regional business opportunities and collaborations.
    • Organise built environment initiatives, such as the annual International Built Environment Week, to facilitate knowledge exchange, technology transfer and business networking.

Our Values

Stay Opportunistic, Create Impact, Achieve Win-win.

Media Articles

Please click here to read relevant media articles on Built Environment related initiatives In Singapore and the region.

BCAI helps our overseas partners to:

Build Greener

Build Greener

Develop sustainable and super low energy buildings with adoption of Green Mark, so as to achieve low carbon or net zero targets and facilitate green financing.

Build Faster

Build Faster

Improve overall construction productivity by using Design for Manufacturing and Assembly methods, saving manpower resources and ensuring earlier project completion.

Build Better

Build Better

Raise construction workmanship quality to reduce defects and improve branding. Adopt innovative technologies and solutions to transform current practices.

 To find out how we collaborate with our partners to achieve the above, please visit Our Services.